Lecture 4

This web page was written on:
  30 August 2021

The video was produced on:
  14 May 2017

Type a space to stop the video.

Stop the video and write
down your definitions.

Copy the following tiny text, either by clicking on the Copy button below it, or by your usual method of copying text. 
EXTENDS Integers

VARIABLES small, big   
TypeOK == /\ small \in 0..3 
          /\ big   \in 0..5

Init == /\ big   = 0 
        /\ small = 0

FillSmall == /\ small' = 3 
             /\ big'   = big

FillBig == /\ big'   = 5 
           /\ small' = small

EmptySmall == /\ small' = 0 
              /\ big'   = big

EmptyBig == /\ big'   = 0 
            /\ small' = small

SmallToBig == IF big + small =< 5
               THEN /\ big'   = big + small
                    /\ small' = 0
               ELSE /\ big'   = 5
                    /\ small' = small - (5 - big)

BigToSmall == IF big + small =< 3
               THEN /\ big'   = 0 
                    /\ small' = big + small
               ELSE /\ big'   = small - (3 - big)
                    /\ small' = 3

Next == \/ FillSmall 
        \/ FillBig    
        \/ EmptySmall 
        \/ EmptyBig    
        \/ SmallToBig    
        \/ BigToSmall   
Then paste the text into the module editor as the body of specification DieHard .

The Next Video

Transaction Commit