Lecture 5

This web page was written on:
  30 August 2021

The video was produced on:
  12 August 2017

  T H I N K

Copy the following tiny text, either by clicking on the Copy button below it, or by your usual method of copying text. 
(* This specification is explained in "Transaction Commit", Lecture 5 of   *)
(* the TLA+ Video Course.                                                  *)
CONSTANT RM       \* The set of participating resource managers

VARIABLE rmState  \* rmState[rm] is the state of resource manager rm.
TCTypeOK == 
  (* The type-correctness invariant                                        *)
  rmState \in [RM -> {"working", "prepared", "committed", "aborted"}]
TCInit ==   rmState = [r \in RM |-> "working"]
  (* The initial predicate.                                                *)

canCommit == \A r \in RM : rmState[r] \in {"prepared", "committed"}
  (* True iff all RMs are in the "prepared" or "committed" state.          *)

notCommitted == \A r \in RM : rmState[r] # "committed" 
  (* True iff no resource manager has decided to commit.                   *)
(* We now define the actions that may be performed by the RMs, and then    *)
(* define the complete next-state action of the specification to be the    *)
(* disjunction of the possible RM actions.                                 *)
Prepare(r) == /\ rmState[r] = "working"
              /\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r] = "prepared"]

Decide(r)  == \/ /\ rmState[r] = "prepared"
                 /\ canCommit
                 /\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r] = "committed"]
              \/ /\ rmState[r] \in {"working", "prepared"}
                 /\ notCommitted
                 /\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r] = "aborted"]

TCNext == \E r \in RM : Prepare(r) \/ Decide(r)
  (* The next-state action.                                                *)
TCConsistent ==  
  (* A state predicate asserting that two RMs have not arrived at          *)
  (* conflicting decisions.  It is an invariant of the specification.      *)
  \A r1, r2 \in RM : ~ /\ rmState[r1] = "aborted"
                       /\ rmState[r2] = "committed"
(* The following part of the spec is not discussed in Video Lecture 5.  It *)
(* will be explained in Video Lecture 8.                                   *)
TCSpec == TCInit /\ [][TCNext]_rmState
  (* The complete specification of the protocol written as a temporal      *)
  (* formula.                                                              *)

THEOREM TCSpec => [](TCTypeOK /\ TCConsistent)
  (* This theorem asserts the truth of the temporal formula whose meaning  *)
  (* is that the state predicate TCTypeOK /\ TCInvariant is an invariant   *)
  (* of the specification TCSpec.  Invariance of this conjunction is       *)
  (* equivalent to invariance of both of the formulas TCTypeOK and         *)
  (* TCConsistent.                                                         *)
Then paste the text into the module editor as the body of specification TCommit .

The Next Video

Two-Phase Commit